WHAT IS MANIFESTING? | easy tips to manifest anything you want!

Holly E Taylor
4 min readFeb 18, 2022

What actually is manifesting? You may be asking…..

  • Does it actually work? Yes!
  • Is it magic? No but also yes (i will explain later)
  • How do I do it? You are already manifesting 24/7
  • How does it work? And i’m glad you asked!

It’s a lot easier and simpler than you think. With manifesting there are SOOOO many tools and techniques people say you NEED to do. When in actuality you, and everyone, is manifesting all the time without even knowing it, if you didn’t nothing would ever be achieved. EVER. The manifesting people talk about is ‘consciously’ manifesting

1. How can I be manifesting without knowing it?

  • To ‘manifest’ means to bring something to physical form from ones thoughts. For example the person that invented the chair he imagined it in his mind, believed it was possible, took the action steps needed to invent it and then, BOOM, the chair manifested into reality.
  • What ive just described are the basics of manifesting. All the extra stuff like vision boards, shadow work, affirmations. Are great tools! But, fundamentally not needed
  • The number 1 and only thing you actually need to manifest is not what you’d think…..

2. Belief

  • Your beliefs create your reality. It’s your core belief around things that determines your life, essentially.
  • The good news is YOU decide what you believe
  • If you believe you can you will. E.g you believe you can loose weight. You will find opportunities to help you. You’ll find examples of people who have done it therefore reinforcing this belief. You will be open and receptive because you believe you can and you trust it will happen.
  • If you don’t believe you can, then you wont. the opposite will apply. your reticular activating sytem switches on (the scientific term for LOA of attraction essentially) what you thin about you attract. therefore if you thin you cant loose weight, you will only see examples of why it is hard to do so.
  • You may be saying ‘well what if I believe I can fly? That’s impossible’ well the fact you have said it’s impossible means you don’t have the belief. In manifesting ‘belief’ is the idea that it will happen despite logic which leads me onto my next point……

3. The spiritual/magic element of manifesting

  • You can manifest things without believing in magic or spiritual concepts but it believing will help immensely
  • The modern idea of magic isn’t levitating of rein-acting the Matilda movie and reading minds (although personally I believe this to be true so subscribe if you want esoteric, mind reading posts)
  • But modern magic is about synchronicities, coincidences like seeing the car you’re trying to manifest 5 seconds after have a thought about it.
  • It’s the idea that the universe is conspiring for you. That everything you desire and want, equally wants you too!
  • The universe has you back, and when you lean into that perspective it helps you let go a little……

4. The art of letting go

  • “But Holly, what do you mean let go? If I want something I need to ‘chase after it’ if I let go then how will I manifest. All spiritual gurus say loa what you think you have”.
  • True, but the key word there is ‘chase’ when you chase something that implies it’s running away. It’s always out of your grasp
  • You are putting your manifestation on a pedestal, it’s out of reach
  • But when you let go of outcome this doesn’t mean letting go of what you want. It means letting go of attachment
  • When you let go of attachment you actually become a vibrational match for your desire because you are not chasing it, it then becomes natural.
  • Example if you are a runner you’re not constantly thinking about how to run, what you need to do to run. Because you already do it. Your are a runner therefore you are a vibrational match! This is the way you need to treat your manifestations because when you come at the perspective of already having it your outer reality has to reflect you inner reality. You need to become the type of person that has your manifestation.
  • Let go of the how. And let the universe show you the answers
  • Or if your not spiritual. What does worrying do anyway? Nothing. Thinking over and over how? How? How? Will get you nowhere. Keep the vision of what you want in mind while focusing on the next step in front of you.

“I can’t see a way through,” said the boy. “Can you see your next step?” “Yes.” “Just take that,” said the horse.

— The boy, the mole the fox and the horse by Charlie Mackesy

5. So how actually does it work? This is my routine of how I manifest

  1. You think of what you want to manifest
  2. M.A.P (massive action plan) what action can you take to get you there. it’s you AND the universe working together 50/50 so you need to start by taking action
  3. Belief (are the any limiting beliefs stopping you? Worthiness, lack mindset ect
  4. Visualise what you want and how it will FEEL now (The feeling is the secret ) Don’t see it in the future. All we have is now. The past and future are an illusion so you brain can’t comprehend that what doesn't exist.
  5. Let go of the how just focus on achieving it. And let the answers unfold in front of you (I like to mediate)

Just keep repeating these until you get it and NEVER GIVE UP despite obstacles and set backs. Not giving up is the fundaments of belief.

Really all it is is the belief.

Trust me!


